Annistyn happens to be obsessed with any four-legged, furry, fuzzy, or fluffy critter. (With the sole exception of black cats.) Thankfully, I have finally gotten through to her that not all four-legged creatures are dogs. Instead, they now fall into three categories: dogs, cats, or.... sheep? Yes, that's right, if you aren't a dog or cat, you must be a sheep.
This weekend, my mom, Annistyn, and I braved the odds and visited the Dawsonville Mountain Moonshine Festival. (If you are thinking Redneck Convention 2009, *Ding, ding, ding* You are correct! I must give you this as a prime example: We paid $5.00 to park at the "Tabernackle of Truth." Now, what do you see wrong with what I just said? (Other than the fact that a church is charging for parking... don't even get me started on that.) Not only was this written in Sharpie on the back of what appeared to be a "Vote for mayor" sign of some sort nailed to another pre-existing sign, but couldn't they have at least looked up how to spell "tabernacle" prior to doing so?) I do not mean to poke fun at someone's place of worship, but "Tabernackle," really? Come on.
Anyway, back to Annistyn. As we navigated our way through the bustling streets, we came across a petting zoo. Since she is enthused by the mere sight of an animal, what could be better than to take her to a petting zoo?!?! This was a quaint little arena that played host to a donkey, mule, miniature horse, pot bellied pigs, a goat, rabbits, chickens, a turkey, and of all things, a sheep. So, we paid the $2.00 admission price and ventured into the land of animals that had only existed on the pages of books at this point for Anni. I had a difficult time reading Annistyn. She seemed mind boggled that animals larger than our Boxer, Levi, actually exist. She ran her fingers through the mane of a donkey which evoked giggles and smiles, glared intently at a mule who got a little too close for her liking, developed a fear of chickens after one pecked towards her, had a full fledged conversation with a potbellied piglet, and finally came face to face with a sheep which she readily referred to as a dog. Figures.

(Annistyn and Mimi petting the donkey)
On Sunday, we attended our annual church fall festival. It was Annistyn's first official fall festival, and she thoroughly enjoyed it. It was also her first trial run in her Halloween costume. Seeing the most of the activities were geared towards older children, Annistyn spent a lot of time people watching and food tasting. She experienced the phenomenon of cotton candy, and boy was that a mistake. The fluffy pink sticky goodness on a stick might just be her downfall. To give her another shot of sugar, we gave her a few bites of cake too. (I had to let her sample the goods especially after her Daddy and I stuffed her into a monkey suit... which she wasn't too thrilled about might I add.)
(Annistyn as "Curious Georgette" with her Mimi)

(Rick participating in the sack race)
Overall, I believe we had a great weekend. It was a weekend full of new things and new scenes for Annistyn, and as always, she interjected our lives with new perspectives and her uncanny ability to make us appreciate the little things once again.